
Sunday, February 21, 2010

sepanjang kepergian ku ini...

esok, 23/2/10-7/3/10, hafiz akan pergi ke serada, terengganu tuk program BAKTISISWA anjuran FSCC...the program is regarding not juz homestay, but doing programs to build up stronger relationship, self confidence and knowledge.bermakna, sepanjang lebih dua minggu niy hafiz x berpeluang la nk blogging.hehehe(mcm da bese je)

this is our logo

logo yang agak ceria..hehe. hafiz diamanahkan jawatan sbg assistant publication and promotion bureau a.k.a PUB PRO. sebenarnya niy first tyme hafiz pgg jawatan as assistant. before tis mesti jadi head...maybe this is the chace for hafiz to listen more...hehe.

insyaAllah tonight hafiz will upload the AGD pictures...chow for now(^_^)

good news!

for anyone who wants a n arabic software without buying one, i wud suggest 'maren 1.0'. it'll guide u with the arabic words i.e suggestion n video guide.
for example, my name is hafiz. in the arabic translation, حافظ . isnt it simple??

go ahead n try! spread this...thats all for now. (^_^)

AGD FSCC 09/10

esok 22/02/20 akan berlangsunglah Annual Grand Dinner FoundationStudent Coordination Council 09/10 di Hotel Armada...tadi baru dpt msg dri secretary FSCC, akh hasbullah katanya akn ada hadiah tuk yg pki the best the best dress. nak pki apa ey?? ngeee~

okay, esok hafiz upload gambar2 masa AGD 2...chow for now(^_^)

malam pertama berblog!

salam... before this, selalu sgt tengok orang lain berblog. tapi tetiba lak teringin buat satu, bak kata orang "tak kenal maka tak cinta". harap sgt2 blog hafiz akn bertahan, bukan sekadar sebulan dua je...
hope dpt support from u readers to give feedback n motivation ayte??

insyaAllah, hafiz akn lontarkan bkn sekadar kesah diri sendiri, tp isu2 kemasyarakatan dan bahan2 ilmiah di dalam blog hafiz niy...(^_^)

أدعو ل أنا!!